ZOYA TAYLOR NAMED one of the five most exciting emerging artists at Miami Art Week
From the Vanity Fair Article:
The 5 Most Exciting Emerging Artists at Miami Art Week
“Artist Zoya Taylor’s acute sensibility is revealed in the steady eyes of her subjects, whose mesmerizing expressions harness and amplify human vulnerability. As a Jamaican-Canadian painter living in Norway, Taylor paints vibrant characters inspired by her personal histories and narratives, depicting subjects she defines as “outsiders” and “misfits.” Gazing into the eyes of one of Taylor’s subjects, we come to recognize our own outsiderness; we feel face-to-face with real people, sense their warmth, their loneliness, their isolation, as well as our own."
Zoya Taylor Pieces Available from Spence Gallery
If you are interested in purchasing any of these works by Zoya Taylor please contact us via email here or call 1 (416) 795-2787 for more information.
“I do not paint portraits but rather the odd and marginal characters which fill the ‘spaces in between’. My cast of misfits are individuals found between cultures, continents, languages and stages in life. They communicate the different facets of humanity - themes of secrecy, pride, fear, disappointment, grief and hurt, but also hope, humour and love.”
Zoya Taylor is a self-taught artist. Growing up between Germany, Jamaica and Canada, the young Zoya spent hours in drawing classes and visiting galleries. After a career as an academic in the social sciences she started painting full-time in 2000 and has been exhibiting across Europe, the United States, Canada and Jamaica. In 2009, she was a recipient of the President’s Award in the Florence Biennale.
If you are interested in purchasing any of these works by Zoya Taylor please contact us via email here or call 1 (416) 795-2787 for more information.